About Us

Launched in 2023, Toolszu.com is one of the largest all in one affiliate and tools website in India, focused on many gadgets, credit card and specially all in important tools, It provides information and interactive tools to help people decide which phone to buy and where to buy it from. Toolszu.com is visited by over 10,000 thousand gadgets & tools lover every month.

Toolszu.com works with most of the leading credit cards company and affiliate brands (CashKaro, MonetizeDeal, ZET, Optimidea, EarnKaro, etc.), as well as leading ecommerce site (Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra, Hostinger, Envato Market etc.)

Babai Bhunia (Akash) Founder & CEO of Toolszu.com, I have more then 5 years experience on web development field. I've been working for the last 6 years on YouTube and Handling Multiple YouTube channels. I'm very passionate to working on new web related tools.



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